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WIAW–School Day!

September 5, 2012

Hey everyone! I hope you’re all having a good week, only 4 days long!!! Lol okay, 3 for me, but I won’t rub that in. Anyway, since it’s Wednesday it’s clearly time for another What I Ate Wednesday! If you’re new to WIAW, head over to Peas and Crayons to find out what it’s all about!

Peas and Crayons

I started out my morning with quite a wake up call. I was laying in bed (I’d been up since like 4…) and at 6am my brother texted me asking if I had his car keys. Oops. I leapt out of bed, threw on my workout clothes and literally ran over to his apartment! My bad. Stealing car keys. Since I was up and ini my workout clothes I headed to the gym and started out with a little bit of elliptical action at the gym, some upper body weights and a few ab moves, and then plenty of stretching and rolling out my legs.

After I showered I ended up just reading and getting some work done. I we weirdly just not hungry this morning, but finally around 9:45 I was ready to eat! I had a sweet potato topped with an over-easy egg and the about a half a bag of spinach sautéed with nutritional yeast and some cayenne pepper. I served it with salsa!

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I headed out the door to class after breakfast, getting there early so I could get a little reading in. By this time it had been a couple hours since breakfast but I couldn’t get lunch until after class, so I had an apple and a KIND bar. I also got a Kombucha, but never ended up drinking it…

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For lunch I headed down to the French Market, which is near my school. It’s this really cool place that’s set up like an out-door market, except it’s indoor. There are places to buy fresh fruit and veggies, and then several specific vendors, from healthy juices and crepes to kosher food to Asian. I decided to try out Karen’s Raw, which I’ve seen all over Chicago. All of their food is soy-free and the woman working there showed me everything that was gluten free. She was so helpful! I chose the Sprouted Living Salad.

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At first when I opened it up I was disappointed because it was basically a TON of spinach and a few veggie toppings, but once I added the dressing and the onion crisps topping, it was SOOO GOOD. Like really good. Unfortunately, tons of raw veggies don’t do wonders for my digestive system… Oops. So good though.

After lunch I headed back to school for my second (and last) class, and then hopped on a bus to get home. Luckily I got right onto an express bus so it took less time! Haha so like 40 minutes instead of 60. By the time I got home my stomach felt kind of off, so I just wanted something bland. I made a quesadilla with cheese and black beans, served with a little more salsa.

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A bit later I had some vanilla protein ice cream with “chocolate sauce” made from protein powder and cocoa, with some dried fruit and corn flakes cereal for toppings. Delicious! I also had a some almond butter as well, so good.

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Well, there you have it! My Tuesday eats! Nothing too thrilling this week!


Have you ever eaten at a raw restaurant or specifically raw food?

Ever stolen someone’s car keys?

Fun With Chelsey and Gone Girl

September 4, 2012

Hey everyone! I hope you all had a great Labor Day weekend! Since I don’t have classes on Fridays, this ended up being a full 4 days off for me and it felt like the whole “school thing” was just a joke. As though it’s still really summer and that never happened! Oh wait, have to go to class today…. Ugh. Haha.

By the way, if you want to see me on video check out Lindsay’s List today, I submitted a Tuesday Trainer Video! And yes, I hate the sound of my own voice so I will not be watching it again…

I did, however, have a nice and relaxing Labor Day weekend! After my long run on Saturday, I was ready for a day of fun and who better to do that with than Chelsey!?! I headed out to the ‘burbs and we met up for frozen yogurt (of course…). Sadly, I did not beat my record, this yogurt was under $5.50. Last time we went here mine was $6.50! Haha, I love my frozen yogurt.

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We planned on seeing a movie but had some time so first we completed to Yogli Mogli crossword puzzle. Luckily, since it was made for children, we managed to complete it. It wasn’t easy though…

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After frozen yogurt we wandered around Whole Foods a bit and then headed to the theater. It turned out to be the kind of theater that serves drinks and food! We were pleasantly surprised tos ee they had gluten free pizza! But we had sushi plans so we held off.


I was in a celebratory mood so I ordered a mojito. Unfortunately it tasted like sugar and I just couldn’t drink more than a few sips. At least I gave it a shot! The movie we saw was The Odd Life of Timothy Green. It was a pretty cute movie, but not my favorite. It did make me want to move out to a small town, the movie took place in a very small town and it was fall, with the most gorgeous leaves! I basically wanted to move there, ASAP.

After the movie we headed out to get sushi and had a few hilarious run in’s… Okay, hilarious to us but I have a feeling they were “you had to be there” type moments. After some delicious sushi we said our goodbyes and I headed back to downtown Chicago.

My brother texted me saying he and my sister-in-law were at Vapiano, which is near where we both live, and that I should come join them! He insisted I order a fun drink so I got the Vapiano Martini. I’m not a big martini person, but this had pineapple juice and…. GUMMY BEARS! Haha total selling point.

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We had a great time chatting and hanging out, practically closed the place down! Haha I was shocked we were out so late (okay, okay, it was like 10:15pm).

Another thing I did this weekend was finish up reading Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn! It was this month’s book club read for Julie’s book club over at Peanut Butter Fingers. I’d heard of it before and was excited to read!

Gone Girl is a novel centered around a couple who met in New York City, got married, and eventually moved to the husband, Nick’s, hometown in Missouri to take care of his ill mother. On the day of their 5th wedding anniversary the wife, Amy, goes missing. Nick comes home to find an upturned living room and a missing wife. The case drags on and on, with various pieces of evidence all pointing to Nick. The story switches back and forth between Nick’s experience in current time, and Amy’s past diary entries so that we learn about how their relationship developed over five years.

Gone Girl was definitely an interesting story with plenty of twists, and I certainly wouldn’t call it predictable. There were several different characters who pop up throughout the book with interesting background stories, many of which play a role in the final story. I liked how the author switched back and forth between the two main characters’ views, one describing the present and the other describing the past. Although I liked the book and it was interesting, I didn’t love it.

I think the reason I didn’t love it is that I didn’t like any if the main characters. The author wrote all of them in a way that made it difficult to be sympathetic towards them, so it felt like I has no one to root for as the story unfolded. I think I really was just rooting for the truth to be revealed to everyone, rather than for one character to succeed. I was also disappointed by the ending. I don’t want to spoil the book but I just found the end to be sad and twisted. I certainly didn’t put the book down satisfied.

All of that being said, Gone Girl will definitely keep your attention. It has plenty of twists and turns that will keep you guessing. I did enjoy the book because of all the plot twists and turns, I just didn’t love it.


Have you ever been to a movie theater that serves food?

What do you do when you hang out with friends?

What did you think of Gone Girl if you’ve read it?

Race Photos!

September 3, 2012

Today I figured many of you would be off enjoying your holiday weekend with family and friends, so I thought I’d post a few race photos from the Chicago Rock N Roll Half and the Race For the Cure that I clearly stole from the websites… Gotta love the “snip” tool on my computer (it takes pieces of screen shots that I select).

Happy Labor Day!













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And no… I will not be ordering any of these… Ha.


Do you have any horribly awful or particularly good race photos?

September Goals

September 2, 2012

Hey everyone! I hope you’re all having a great weekend!!!

I know many of you were curious how my run went yesterday…


IT WAS AWESOME!!!! (this was me, post shower and still on a runner’s high! PS I love runners high, my cousin and I went to Trader Joe’s after the run to grab a few things and I couldn’t not stop laughing. It was fantastic.)

Anyway, I was worried about the weather because it was 80% humidity with rain. Rain didn’t bother me, but humidity didn’t sound good. Luckily the rain brought clouds and although it was humid it was a million times better than direct sunlight! It took my group 3 hours to complete the 18 miles, and although it wasn’t easy I really did have a blast. It reminded me why I love to run so much, I felt so accomplished! I even sprinted out the last half mile, which included up and over a big hill! I cannot say enough great things about that run. I needed it, now I feel so much better about finishing 26.2 miles!

I also loved my group – several of the women around me congratulated me on my PDR! It’s so nice to run with a group because it feels like their momentum carries you on. You just keep following the person in front of you! Haha I should just stalk someone during the marathon… totally not creepy.

Well, it’s September now (although NOT FALL! haha still technically summer!!!) and that means it’s time for a re-cap of my august goals, along with some new goals for September! I actually can’t believe I have done a full year of goals posts! Here’s my very first one, back in September of 2011! Haha back before I switched my blog over… gotta love old posts.

Here’s a recap of my August Goals:

1) Keep up training while traveling. Definitely met this goal! Despite all my travels I hit every single training run! Haha although it all certainly caught up with me and I had to skip a run this past week, but no biggie!

2) Have fun at Healthy Living Summit! Haha most definitely achieved this goal! I really had an amazing time at HLS! I was sooooo thankful for my roommates, we all ended up getting along so well. I also got to meet a ton of other amazing women! Here’s a recap of my final thoughts on HLS.


3) Keep in touch with friends. I did…. not so awesome with this. I think my problem is that I just didn’t really focus on this goal, I forgot about it! I did manage to catch up with a friend in Kansas City and another in Colorado Springs, and I have been talking to a friend in Charleston more often, but I didn’t call all the people I really needed to! So… fail.

4) Start job/career searching. Ehhhhhhh. This makes me cringe inside. I didn’t really start searching but I did do some brainstorming (haha actually a lot of brainstorming with the woman I ran with on my 18 miler on Saturday!) and I’ve looked at the school site a bit. But I really need to focus on this one in the future.


And now, time for…

September Goals!!!

Unfortunately, my September goals won’t be tooooo exciting, because I’m already overwhelmed with everything on my plate. For the most part my goals are too keep on track with everything I have going on:

1) Do all my reading a day before class! This isn’t always possible, since sometimes I’ll leave my book at school so I don’t have to carry it home, meaning I’ll get there early to finish the reading. But for the most part, I am way less stressed if I get my reading done over the weekend or at least a day in advance.


2) Do a devotion every morning when I get up! I know I don’t talk much religion on here, but at the beginning of the summer I bought a devotions book and I really love reading it, I just tend to do several at once rather than one every day. I feel much calmer and more centered when I read them, so I’m going to try and do one every morning and make it a priority! Calm Katie = Less stressed Katie!

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3) Be prepared for each GOTR lesson and HAVE FUN! I’m starting up GOTR coaching in ONE WEEK and I’m so excited! I want to be sure that I’m prepared each day,so I need to read the lessons the night before and go over them so I know what I’m doing when I get in front of those girls! I also want to focus on having fun with them, because that’s why we’re ALL out there!

4) GET PUMPED FOR THE MARATHON! Haha basically I just want to stay excited for this marathon, try not to get burnt out and DEFINITELY try not to get injured!


Aaaaaand that’s about it! Pretty simple goals, but very important to my life this month!


What are your goals right now?

Are you good at getting work done ahead of time?

Quiz by Lindsay’s List

September 1, 2012


Right now I could be running my 18 miler!!!! Send me happy vibes, please and thank you! While I’m off running, I thought it would be fun to do this quiz that Lindsay made up yesterday!

THIS OR THAT – A Lindsay’s List Quiz



Chocolate or Vanilla?

Strawberry. Sorry I’m not sorry.

Innie or Outtie?

Innie… lol weird question.

Hot Hot Summer or Snowy Winter?

SUMMER! I do love the snow, but I much prefer to be warm and outside rather than bundled up and afraid to run errands because it’s just so gosh darn cold…

Save or Spend?

Save! Haha ask my friends growing up, I was the frugal one who saved all her money. Thank goodness I did because I’m slowly spending it throughout law school to finance trips…

Elliptical or Treadmill?

TREADMILL. Duh. No explanation necessary.

Banana or Apple?

I totally agree with Lindsay, Gala Apples are my favorite!


Morning or Night?

I’m a huge morning person! I am basically no longer functional in the evening, I’m done. Bedtime.

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Love or Money?

Love, of course. I’m a romantic. I mean come on, my favorite movie is Pride and Prejudice. Granted, she ended up with the rich guy…

Lipbalm or Lipstick?

Cherry Chapstick! I have about a million in various purses and drawers.

Butt or Boobs?

Ummm…. I don’t really have either?

Accoustic or Electric?

What? Like guitar? Accoustic.

Coffee or Tea?

Coffee! I like tea but if I had to choose,  definitely coffee.

Straight or Curly?

Curly, curly, curly, curly! I straightened my hair as much as possible from 8th grade through Junior year of college. Then I realized curly is ME! And  I love it.

Three Squares or Graze All Day?

Um grazer! Why eat 3 boring meals when you can snack all day and eat all different things! I like to taste everything! (if you’ve ever gotten froyo with me you know this is so true…).

Right handed or left handed?

Right, and thankful because it’s just a little easier! However left handed people tend to be more creative…

Beach or Mountains?

MOUNTAINS!!!!! I don’t like the sand getting all up… in places it shouldn’t be. I would come home from the beach and there would be sand all over me and all over my stuff. It was ridiculous.

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Mac or PC?

I have a PC but I would love a Mac. The only issue is I looooove Windows Live Writer, which is only for PCs. Oh, and Macs are expensive…

Shy or Outgoing?

Ha, shy. Most definitely.


Your turn! Answer a few!