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WIAW–Is it Summer?

March 21, 2012

Hey everyone! It’s another installment of What I Ate Wednesday! If you are new to WIAW, head over to Jen’s blog, Peas and Crayons, where she explains WIAW and you can find other blogger’s posts!

Peas and Crayons

Today’s food comes from yesterday, Tuesday! The weather was INSANELY warm yesterday, and my food reflected that as it got warmer throughout the day!

I started off attempting to make some egg white oats, however, I ran out of my normal egg whites and added a couple T of another kind of egg whites that I had bought. Unfortunately, these were made to look like normal eggs, and for some reason the egg whites did not fluff up when I beat them. I mixed them in and was nervous about how cooked they were, so I put the bowl in the microwave for 2 minutes.


It turned into more of a baked oatmeal, but much fluffier. It was pretty good, although VERY hot! I burnt the roof of my mouth…

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Although I liked the change, I prefer the fluffy egg whites mixed in, this was just not the same.

When I got home, I made up some lunch. I made a bunch of carrot fries and had a Dr. Praeger’s Broccoli patty. I saw these in Whole Foods and decided to try them out. I wanted to try a kind of veggie burger, but every veggie burger I found contained soy! Not cool. The broccoli patty was really good though!

photo 1 (1)

On the side I had some Greek yogurt with vanilla mixed in (I actually had that yogurt X2, I was hungry!). I also had a big spoon of almond butter!

After lunch I decided to try out a new kind of nail polish I got from Birchbox this month. Love it?

photo 2 (1)

I do! I would normally never wear such sparkly nail polish, but I’ve gotten a LOT more crazy with my nail polish lately. Honestly, I think I’ve gotten a lot more confident in myself and I worry less about what other people think of me. If I love it, I wear it. Deal with it.

The weather was HOT today! I went to the gym for a lower body workout and when I left I knew I needed some fro yo!

photo 3

I mean seriously, what better way to celebrate these record temps in March than with fro yo? It was also FREE! Why? My fro yo place closed a couple weeks ago and I FREAKED! I sent them an e-mail and they responded saying they were remodeling and they’d be open in a week and that I could have a free fro yo for the trouble! Yes, please! I brought in the e-mail and ta da!

photo 5

Free fro yo is even better than normal. Is that possible?

A little after the fro yo it was time for a real dinner. I was wanting some fresh, so I got a salad from Tzatziki, a local Mediterranean place. I don’t normally eat out, but I didn’t do a good job with grocery shopping (aka $20 worth of groceries from Trader Joe’s will not make meals for the whole week… winning, Katie). I need to work on meal planning.

photo 4 (1)

I love their salads because of how they chop the lettuce, the chicken and, most of all, the TZATZIKI sauce! It’s so good!

After dinner I got some work done and then I snacked on some canned butternut squash mixed with protein powder, cinnamon, stevia and some milk along with more almond butter. I completely forgot to take a picture… It’s hard to remember! I considered a picture of the empty bowl, but I thought you all could imagine it.


How are you celebrating these unseasonably warm temps, if you’re getting them?

How do you feel about wearing crazy nail polish, clothes, or anything else that you like but other people might judge or think it’s not “you”?

39 Comments leave one →
  1. March 21, 2012 6:56 am

    Its warm here but not quite as warm as you. I’m just loving being able to have smoothies for breakfast and not getting a chill afterwards! Free food is always the best!

    • March 21, 2012 8:42 am

      I’m resisting starting up smoothies again! I’m afraid if I start now I’ll get tired of them too soon!

  2. March 21, 2012 7:56 am

    Great post title! 😉 80 degrees in Pittsburgh yesterday.

  3. March 21, 2012 8:00 am

    It’s going to be 80 tomorrow in Boston! This weather is so amazing – I’ve been dying for some froyo lately!

  4. March 21, 2012 8:02 am

    I love the nail polish! Have you ever tried the sally hanson stick on nails? They take a while to put on but I love them. They come in such cool designs such as cheetah and lace.

    • March 21, 2012 8:43 am

      Haha no, I don’t think I’m coordinated enough for stick on! I’ve finally got to the point where about 50% of the time I can paint my nails without horribly messing them up before they dry!

  5. March 21, 2012 8:47 am

    Since I can’t run until next week (I’ve missed all of the warm weather!), I’ve been loving going out for walks. Especially right before it gets dark out. I kind of hole-up in my apartment during the winter and I always forget how walkable the city is!

  6. March 21, 2012 8:57 am

    yummm fro yo! that’s awesome you got it free too! it’s not quite super warm here yet… we’re getting there though! by the end of the week it’s supposed to be in the 70’s and i can’t wait! we’re going to do a barbecue with some friends to celebrate. 🙂

    • March 21, 2012 9:44 am

      A barbecue sounds fun! Haha those are the kinds of things that make me wish I lived in a real house and not a studio: you can have people over!

  7. March 21, 2012 9:31 am

    i just found dr. praegers burgers in the store and i bought the california kind. they’re packed with real veggies and i really enjoyed the taste!

    i love the nail polish! when i was younger i was really against super-girly things like painting my nails because i thought that it made me look ‘weak’ and less tough. now i LOVE painting my nails for fun – just because i paint them doesn’t mean that i’m any less strong!

  8. March 21, 2012 9:45 am

    I have been spending as much time outside as I possibly can! I love crazy nail polishes and bold clothes – I’ve never been one to worry about what others may think, as long as I like it than that’s fine by me!

  9. fitandfuninthird permalink
    March 21, 2012 11:23 am

    I’m loving this weather too! My afternoons have been spent outdoors all week long 🙂

  10. March 21, 2012 11:25 am

    I am ALL over free fro yo. Any time I get a coupon I drag the husband to the place and fill ‘er up. SO delicious!

    It is toasty here (esp after being in the mountains and with all the snow. hah!)

  11. March 21, 2012 11:39 am

    I need to try out birchbox…
    I have on pink sparklies too! I’m usually not so daring, but I really like it 🙂

  12. March 21, 2012 1:42 pm

    I work in a pretty professional world, but I still think it’s fine to do a fun nail polish or some great jewelry. I think if you pair a pencil skirt and white blouse with some big, bold jewelry, you can’t go wrong! These unseasonably warm temps are welcomed, but are messing with my outdoors running. It’s too flippin hot!

    • March 21, 2012 2:19 pm

      It is really hot! I left for my long run this sunday around 9 and wish I’d gone much earlier!

  13. March 21, 2012 2:10 pm

    I do really like the nail polish! It’s cute! very springy! ha
    It’s suppose to be 80 here this weekend! I cannot wait! I’ve already told the boyfriend we have to do some outdoor picnics and activities at the park! ha

  14. March 21, 2012 2:33 pm

    I LOVE that you are wearing sparkly nail polish and can I encourage you to continue wearing it when you start practicing law! As a first year attorney I started the year with boring colors and let me tell you, don’t do it – wear fun colors on your nails! Once you have a job you are not getting fired for your nail polish and I actually get a ton of compliments for my fun colors. Law can be a boring job so enjoy the little things like your fabulous nail color! 🙂

    • March 21, 2012 2:48 pm

      Thanks for the advice! If I become an attorney I’ll try not to be boring, no need to hide my true colors just to fit in! Haha especially when it’s something as simple as nail polish!

  15. March 21, 2012 3:53 pm

    I like the nail polish 😀 and the froyo!!!!!!!

    I have a question, would you mind if I emailed you a few questions about the LSAT/law school admissions process?! I’m getting a liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittle overwhelmed here haha 🙂

  16. March 21, 2012 7:19 pm

    I have seen egg white oats on tons of other blogs and have always wanted to try it! Yours look great…hmmm I’m thinking I might have to attempt them for breakfast tomorrow!

  17. March 21, 2012 9:07 pm

    Ah that salad! It looks so good. Is there a recipe for those baked oats?! YUM

    • March 22, 2012 7:16 am

      I followed the egg white oats recipe from Julie Go Lean, but my shortened version is basically cook 1/3 cup oats with 1/3 cup water and 1/3 cup almond milk (add cinnamon and vanilla) and add in 1/3 cup pumpkin (not necessary) near the end. While that’s cooking, beat 3 egg whites (for me, I use 9 T liquid egg whites) until they peak. Then lower the heat and fold in the egg whites. It will be HUGE and voluminous. I use a big pot.

      However, for these oats I didn’t have all egg whites, so they didn’t fluff up. I beat them anyways and folded them in. Then I poured it into a microwave bowl and microwaved for about 2 minutes. The inside will be soft still (AND HOT!!!). Haha I think I’ll make a post explaining both of these!

  18. March 22, 2012 5:53 am

    I love your nail polish! I’ve been going for walks in the evening to enjoy the warm weather!

  19. StoriesAndSweetPotatoes permalink
    March 22, 2012 9:44 pm

    The oats look good though. If I put egg whites in my oats I always cook them in the microwave, I think they turn out better. 84 degrees is just nuts right now!

  20. March 22, 2012 10:18 pm

    Yes, it’s been pretty warm here in Texas, but that’s not very uncommon! I just get outside for my workouts as much as possible now.

    Being a guy, I don’t wear nail polish (though, I guess some do…..), and if I do wear something that’s not “me”, my wife lets me know I and usually give in and change.

    I love writing companies about anything related to their products, good or bad, and the ones that have a kind response will continue to get my business. Sounds like you’ll be a returning customer to that fro yo place; I’d say 1 free fro yo was a good investment on their part.

    Enjoy the weather!

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